Year 3
Welcome to Year 3!
Thank you Year 3 for all of your terrific efforts this year. It has been a pleasure working with you all over the past year. Mrs Lowman and Mr Cox wish you all the best in Year 4!
Have a fantastic (well earned) summer!
Enjoy the photos of our Tudor banquet and your topic homeworks!
Tudor Homework and Banquet
Our topic this term is 'In Defense of the Realm' with a focus on the Tudor period.
Please note that the topic homework is due the week beginning 22nd May. This will involve choosing one of the activities on the homework map and presenting it to the class.
Year 3 Liturgy. Palm Sunday. 04/04/17
A huge congratulations to all of Year 3 who helped deliver a fantastic liturgy reflecting the Palm Sunday story. Each year group in KS2 will share their liturgy this week as we celebrate Holy Week in our final week of term. Thank you to all of those who were able to attend, below are a selection of photos if you missed it.
Palm Sunday
Performing Poetry
In English this week we have been learning about the art of performing poetry. We have discussed many different poems but these two were by far our favourites!
We created our own success criteria of how to successfully perform poetry and used this throughout the week to improve our performances. Performing poetry in our groups required us to display lots of teamwork!
We had good fun making these videos, we hope you enjoy! (Thank you for sending us in with the 'cool' hats and sunglasses.)
For art week next week we hope to use our experiences and ideas to create shape poetry!
Performing Poetry 1
Perfoming Poetry 2
Extreme Earth
We had such a fantastic Hunter-Gatherer topic we can’t wait to start ‘Extreme Earth’.
Our first science topic is ‘Forces and Magnets’. We will be designing and evaluating many different practical experiments. We will be comparing how objects move on different surfaces, observing how magnets attract and repel as well as grouping items together on the basis of whether they are attracted to a magnet.
In our geography lessons we will begin to understand and describe key features of physical geography: volcanoes, earthquakes and rivers. We will also develop our knowledge of geographical skills and fieldwork: using maps, atlases, globes and digital/computer mapping to locate features.
Science Skeletons!
During our science lessons we have been looking at how our bodies work. We have investigated the different types of food we need to function and discussed the importance of our skeleton. We also compared the different types of skeletons and commented on their strengths.
We finished by creating our own human skeletons and labelling them with the common names and the scientific names!
Look at some of our fantastic pieces of topic homework!
After half term ...
In our maths lessons we will be beginning to tell and write the time from an analogue and a 12 hour clock.
If you could get all the practice possible before we start that would be fantastic!
Here is a link to a website full of fun games which we will be using in class. What is the highest score you can get?