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St Jude's School and Pre-School

Achieving together in God's love.



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Pre-loved uniform - logoed items only - is now available through our Sum up store.

Please go to St Jude's PFA ( to order.  If you are unsure about sizing and would like to try before you buy then please drop us an email at to see if we can help.

NEXT MEETING:  Wednesday 25th September 2024 - 6.30pm in the Staff Room 


Upcoming events:


Big Summer Raffle - tickets for this are now on sale and can be ordered through the school office - see below for order form


Friday 28th June 2024 - St Jude's Family Camp-out - CANCELLED due to lack of interest


Ice cream Fridays - Ice cream and cold drinks will be on sale on a Friday afternoon outside the main entrance - £1 each

Who are we?


The St Jude’s Parents and Friends Association are a group of (mostly) parents and other members of the school community who regularly get together to organise events and raise additional funds for the benefit of the school and the pupils. We meet at least termly, and are always happy to welcome new members and to consider new ideas.


We understand that not everyone has the time to commit to regular meetings, and so have been working over the past few years to try to build up a bank of volunteers who we can call on for specific events, such as discos or the summer fair.  Recently, a number of our regular volunteers have had children move on to Secondary School, which has left us quite short of help.  We cannot run our events without this support, and so would very much like to hear from anyone who would be willing to be notified about events and volunteer perhaps once a term.  If you think this could apply to you then please drop us an email to


What do we do?


We see our role as a mixture of fundraising for those additional extras which are not available in the school budget, and organising activities which are sociable and fun.    We welcome each child joining Year R with a St Jude's bookbag, and more recently have begun the tradition of wishing out Year 6's farewell with a Leavers Hoodie.  School projects which we have recently supported have included the purchase of new science equipment, new books for to support the Little Wandle reading scheme and of course the fabulous new mud kitchen in Year R.  



Did you know we now have a facebook page?


To help us keep everyone up to date with what we are doing, we now have a facebook page.  This is a private members only page which all current St Jude's parents are welcome to join.  As well as posting events and requests for help, we also have a large stock of secondhand uniform which can be purchased through this page.  The page can be found by searching St Jude's PFA on facebook.  
