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St Jude's School and Pre-School

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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6


A very happy New Year to all our families.  I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas break in which you could rest, recharge and spend valuable time together.  

Many of you were able to come to the SATs information evening, so thank you.  

I will upload the powerpoint to this page, so any parents that weren't able to  make it can go through it in your own time.  I will be ordering the CGP study books week beginning 8th January, so, if you ordered, they should be with you by the end of the week. 

Remember, Booster sessions are starting on 8th and 9th January. 

Thank you for all your support. 

SATS information evening powerpoint

All the year 6 team would like to thank you all for your gifts and cards.  We hope you all have a wonderful and peaceful Christmas break.  

See you all in the New year. 


Still image for this video
The children are reciting the poem they performed for the Harvest Festival. It is an extremely difficult poem to learn off by heart, but they managed it beautifully. The year 6 team were very proud of them.

Class trip to Milestones Living History Museum

On Tuesday 12th September, year 6 visited Milestones Living History Museum to learn about the reasons for, and impact of, the Industrial Revolution, and explore what life was like for children in a Victorian school. 

First of all, we given the opportunity to discover the museum for ourselves.  In small supervised groups we explored authentic looking Victorian streets and were able to enter the replica shops and businesses which would have been commonplace in that period.  Many of the items, the children could recognise as being early versions of what they see and use at home today; however, there were some that made me feel very old as I explained what they were used for because they were still around when I was a child.  The children loved walking through a 'Victorian Pier' and trying out the machines which would have been familiar in arcades of the time.  They enjoyed looking at their distorted reflections in the old-fashioned 'Hall of Mirrors'.  

Our first workshop was the Victorian schoolroom with Miss Stott, or Ma'am, to the children.  They thought she was stricter than me!  They experienced writing on a slate with a piece of 'lead' and they used an abacus to work out calculations.  Many of the children felt an abacus helped with subtraction because they were physically taking something away.  They practiced writing a typical Victorian script and experienced having to stand when the teacher came into the room.  

The second workshop centred on a real life Victorian family called the Taskers, and it showed how their business expanded because of the innovations involving steam engines.  They learnt how limestone increases the heat of fire so that lead could be melted at a temperature of 2000 degrees.  The children found it fascinating to learn that prior to these innovations it would take such a long time to produce just one item.  Lucy, the lady who led the workshop, also informed us that the Taskers family looked after their workforce in a much better way than some factory owners of the time.  They built houses for the families who worked for them and paid for their children to go to school. 

The children were excellent ambassadors for the school and have written thank you letters to the staff who worked with us.   


Welcome to year 6 ppt
