We ended our year in a whirlwind with the KS2 production where the children all worked tremendously hard, cooperated fully and happily put up with the endless changes to scripts and stage directions- I'm sure those of you who were able to see the show would agree that their hard work paid off! I am excited to be taking the class up to Year 6 and know there is so much that we, as a team, can do to fully prepare these children for the next step in their education. I hope you are able to enjoy a peaceful break with your children (when they complain of being bored, please remind them about spellings...handwriting...times tables!)
Year 5 Champions Day at St George's, Southampton
Please see below for a snapshot of the some of the activities Year 5 were able to sample today...
Wednesday 22nd June
This week, we used chickpeas to make falafel burgers and houmous....
A flavour of 16th June in Year 5....
Harry, Jess and Paige:
This week in cooking, we have been making spinach and goat cheese muffins. We really enjoyed making the muffins, they smelt and looked really nice. When we opened the oven to get them, we wanted to eat them straight away but they were too hot :(
Abigail, Allanah and Eva:
This Wednesday in cooking, we really enjoyed making spinach and goat cheese muffins. We especially enjoyed when we were mixing up all the ingredients together. Are favourite part was when we took the muffins out of the oven and saw how amazing they looked.
Morgan, Lauren and Rebecca:
This week in cooking we made spinach and goats cheese muffins. Yum Yum! Our favourite part was making them.
Everybody's good at something....and I'm good at making crumble...
11th May Forest School
4th May
Mamma mia! Year 5 have been making pizzas with their own dough...please see below for a snapshot!
27th April
Thank you to those who were able to be come and share our liturgy this morning. It was fantastic to see the children proudly showing off their achievements with you. The books can only capture a fragment of what they are doing and I enjoyed hearing some memories of Nethercott resurfacing as they shared their PowerPoint presentations that were made many months ago. A busy day was had in Year 5 today! Please see below for a snapshot of the second of our enrichment afternoons.
Year 5 go off timetable...
This afternoon, we had our first enrichment afternoon with half of the class being led in forest school activities and half cooking. Please see a brief selection of what we got up to!
End of term...
Year 5 led the whole school very sensibly on Wednesday in a reflection on the story of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. They worked fantastically well together and the end result was a testament to their hard work.
This week we have also seen the effort of their project homework on Early Islamic Civilisation. Harry carefully and thoroughly explained the workings and significance of the Elephant Clock and many others looked at the Arabic number system.
Next terms homework has been given out today and is also available on the homework tab of this page. I hope you enjoy a restful and peaceful Easter break.
Paultons Park visit
We all enjoyed a fantastic (and educational!) day today; the weather was good and every child (and most adults!) went on rides they hadn't been on before. We had a workshop on forces so please ask your child to explain centrifugal and centripetal forces (especially if they went on Sky Swinger) and air resistance (certainly felt on The Edge and The Cobra).
Despite the torrential rain, 10 Year 5 pupils enjoyed an interesting day at Stargazing for Schools 2016. The morning was spent on HMS Warrior where we learned about navigating using the stars and sextants, built model constellations and looked through telescopes. After lunch, we were at Action Stations in an inflatable planetarium, made scale models of the Solar System and built (and tested) model rockets!
Survival Day was a great success. The day included a treasure hunt; map skills; blindfolded activities; knot work and, of course, hot chocolate! Please see below for a brief snapshot of the day!
Here are a selection of the long awaited photographs from Nethercott 2015
Tuesday 10th November - Follow the link below to find an update from Nethercott.
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News from Nethercott...
The new year 5 have settled in well and are starting to get used to the demands of Upper Key Stage 2. They all look incredibly smart in their new uniform and this is impacting their attitude to work. Year 5 requires them to become more resilient and independent as learners as they approach topics which they may not have encountered before. Lots have been showing me their reading records on a daily basis and I have been pleased with the standard of homework being returned. Children need spend no more than 25 minutes on their weekly maths and English tasks.
I am looking forward to getting to know the children better as we progress through the year.
Nethercott Farm Meeting: 1st October
Just a reminder, the final meeting before we go to the Farm is on Thursday 1st October. There will be a meeting straight after school (3.15pm) and we would ask that medical forms be brought in. This meeting will be repeated at 6pm for those parents unable to come to the earlier one.