Catholic Social Teaching
In this unit the children are building on what they learnt in year 5 about the principles of Catholic Social Teaching. These are 9 principles which we are asked to consider when making decisions in our life - are we thinking of The Common Good, are we Peacemakers etc. I will put a link at the end of this page so you can research more about them.
In the lesson you see below, the children had considered, through the story of the Creation in the book of Genesis, the world God had created and decided 'It is good', and the world we have today and the problems that beset it. Each group put their thoughts to music and worked collaboratively to compose a drama or dance to represent how they felt.
We hope you enjoy them.
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
The children explored bible references, supported by the internet, to find scripture which reflects Catholic Social Teaching principles.
Our first RE unit of the year has been Creation. The children learned about the life of Moses and created a graphic depiction of this. Many of them were beautifully presented. The children learned about the 10 Commandments and why God gave them to Moses. We discussed them in the class and thought about what they meant for today's world and then each child selected the 3 they thought were the most important. Next, they worked in groups to research how different charities do God's work, locally, nationally and globally. They will present their findings to the class.
To finish the unit, they had to explain in detail what they think it means to be a 'person of God'.
Comic strip of the Life of Moses
The children celebrated the Feast Day of our class saint - St Vincent de Paul on Wednesday 27th September. Thank you to all parents and relatives who were able to attend.