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St Jude's School and Pre-School

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Homework Expectations in Year 5



The expectation is that children read every night for about 30 minutes.  This is to develop their reading stamina and concentration.  It is really important that children read age-appropriate books, as well as the books they might choose to read for pleasure.  We ask that an adult hears their child read aloud at least 3 times a week and signs the child's reading log daily.  These will be checked daily by an adult.  This year, we are introducing 'Must Read' books.  Your child will be expected to read 3 of these across the year.  These books are a mixture of 'classic reads' and books that link to our topics.     



Every Monday, the children will be given a new fact to practise. They will be given ideas for how to practise throughout the week, and are expected to do so daily for ten minutes. This doesn't have to be written: it can be verbal with a parent signature. These books will be checked daily.  We will be practising the maths facts in class too.  



Every Monday, your child will receive approximately 5 words which we have either come across while reading our class novel or will be synonyms. We ask that you have a conversation about the words and discuss how some of the words could be used in different contexts.  Your child has the choice of writing sentences which use the words in the correct context, or writing a paragraph using all of the words.  



Every Monday, your child will be given up to 10 spellings to learn.  The spellings might follow a particular pattern or rule, or they could be commonly misspelled words from their writing. The children need to learn the spellings.  They will be tested on them the following week.  Sentences are optional.  

Maths Facts Parent Guidance
