School gates open at 8.30am each morning.
Children will be registered between 8.30 and 8.40am.
Gates and classroom doors are closed at 8.40am as this is when lessons start.
Any child arriving after 8.40am must enter the school via the school office to be signed in.
Please see attendance information for Late marks and Unauthorised absences.
Our school day finishes at 3.10pm.
You must inform the teacher at the beginning of the school day if your child will be collected by someone else. This must also be emailed to adminoffice@st-judes.hants.sch.uk to ensure there is written permission.
Parents of children in years 3, 4, 5 and 6 should collect their child from the Church car park. Year 3, 4 and 5 Class Teachers will supervise the children until they reach their parents. Children in Year 6 will be released from the classroom.
In the Spring Term to prepare children in Year 5 for Year 6 they too, will be released from the classroom to meet their parents at a designated point.