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St Jude's School and Pre-School

Achieving together in God's love.



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Welcome to Reception

Our new children have made a fantastic start to life at St Jude's School.  This week everyone has started full time and all the children are gradually learning each others names' and making new friends.

Meet the team

Mrs North is the class teacher, who loves singing and we have Mrs Cristofoli who loves being outside.

On Wednesdays Miss Salussolia comes to our class to help too. 

She is fantastic in our "Make and Create" area.  Miss Woolford comes to help us in the mornings.

We do lots of exciting things around stories.  We follow the children's interests and plan for their learning through this.  We have lovely grounds and try to make the most of being outside and follow the Seasons.  

Mystery Guest


Do you have an interesting job or hobby?  Could you share something special about your family life?  Do you have a special pet?

If there is something you think our class would enjoy hearing about then we would love you to come and talk to us.  We thought it might be fun to have a surprise - so just let us know and arrange a time when you could come in but keep it a secret!  We want ALL the children to have a big surprise when our Mystery Guest walks through the door! 
