Religious Education
Religious Education and Worship in Portsmouth Diocese
“For all children religious education is a proper subject in its own right in the school’s curriculum. It is a rigorous academic discipline as any other subject. For those already engaged in the journey of faith, religious education will be catechesis, and for some children and young people religious education will be evangelisation, the first opportunity to hear the good news of the gospel.” Curriculum Directory for Catholic Schools (Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales 1996)
Bishop Philip Egan's visit 30th April 2024
This morning we welcomed the Bishop to our school. As part of his visit we came together for a Holy Half Hour of scripture, song and prayer. Spending time in the presence of Jesus.
Religious Education
As a Catholic School, Christ is at the centre of all that we do.
We educate our children to know God and His Word; to know how The Word can influence our lives for the common good, and we aim to nurture Faith in Action.
We use the God Matters scheme of work from Portsmouth Diocese complemented by updated Supplementary Guidance.
Religious Education (RE) is a core subject and as such 10% of our timetable is dedicated to its teaching.
Each unit gives a child the opportunity to develop their knowledge and understanding of scripture, religious belief and tradition through a series of tasks that require them to Engage, Explore and Express what they have learned. A child is encouraged to make links with previous learning, begin to make connections between faith, belief, values and action, and construct arguments to justify a viewpoint.
This is taught creatively, taking account of the age and stage of each child, and the teaching will include - role play, art, music, text and film.
Assessment and feedback:
- Teachers assess after every unit of study- in particular noting those who require further opportunity to demonstrate the expected standard.
- Feedback is given verbally where possible, or through marking in books which might include questions posed, an example to justify or compare, or an expectation to use subject specific vocabulary.
- Access to regular CPD from Portsmouth Diocese.
- Collaborative working with cluster groups at RE leaders’ meetings, or when local clusters meet.
- RE books and planning are monitored at least termly and any questions or issues arising are dealt with in consultation with the member of staff.
- Attainment and progress of all learners is discussed and actions agreed at regular PDMs.
- A child will appreciate their uniqueness in the world and will understand that they have a right to fully participate in life and have a responsibility to be stewards of creation.
- A child will begin their personal journey of faith.
- A child will know why people of faith, both in the past and present, choose to behave the way they do.
- A child will know a variety of bible stories and scripture and will be able to make links with real life.
- A child will be able to be discerning in their personal choices, knowing that the right choice isn’t always easy.
- A child will know the traditions of the Catholic faith, they will know the church, they will know prayers and sacraments.