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Spellings 15th April

ough graheme and 'cial' or 'tial' endings

I would like 10 spelling sentences by next Thursday 21st April.  3 simple, 3 compound and 4 complex.

If children learn the spelling pattern of the 'ough' spellings, they should be able to get those correct in their spelling test next week. I would like everyone to have a go at the other spellings as they will all be tested on a selection of both. 

After marking the spelling sentences this week, and the homework given out on Thursday, it is clear that many children do not really understand what the words mean when they use them.  I have asked them to use a dictionary to look up the words before they write thier sentences and I would very much appreciate you urging them to do the same.  As you know, the expectations for year 6 are high, and in order for them to be as successful as possible in the SPaG test, they must increase their knowledge and understanding of a greater range of vocabulary.  

Many thanks for your continued support.

Here are the spellings for this week.  10 spelling sentences - simple, complex and compound - and interesting, please.

Test to be taken 3rd March

spellings 26th February

Spring 2 homework

Here is the longer 'project' type of homework for the first half of the spring term.  I will be handing this out to the children on Tuesday 5th January and they have until Monday 8th February to return it.  They have to select 2 pieces to complete over that time, so if you could help them choose wisely I would be very grateful.  The standard of the homework the children presented before Christmas was excellent.  It demonstrated real effort and commitment.. Thank you for your support.