Summer 2 - Australian Adventure
The children will receive their topic homework map at the beginning of each half term. It is due in at the beginning of the final week of the term ready for the children to deliver a short presentation to the class explaining what they have learnt. Please refer to the homework map for an exact date for when the homework should be handed in.
Spelling Homework
Every Thursday, your child will be given their spellings and will complete their spelling test the following Wednesday.
Each child will receive up to 10 spellings each week. In their homework books they will have space to practice writing their spellings. It would be very beneficial for the children to write the words in sentences as this will help them practice their sentence construction, apply new vocabulary and work on their letter formation.
Your child should be able to complete their homework independently with very little support. It will help them to discuss the meaning of each word to ensure they are using it correctly. It is also really important for them to learn new vocabulary which they can apply in their writing.
Maths Homework
Maths homework will also be given out on a Thursday and will be due in the following Wednesday.
Maths homework will consist of activities which will develop your child's number fluency such as: number bonds to 10 or 20, practise of their 2s, 5s and 10 times tables, doubles and halves of numbers and so on. It is really important for the children to learn these and know them off by heart. If they are confident in these areas, they will then begin to apply them in activities and problem solving tasks in class.