Reception class will be doing PE on Wednesday afternoons. They need to have
- Navy shorts
- Coloured House T-shirt (available from the school)
- Trainers or plimsolls
- Navy plain jogging bottoms (optional)
- Spare pants and socks are really helpful in case of any little accidents!
Your child's PE bag needs to stay in school all the time as sometimes the children do need changing because of toileting accidents, spilling food or getting wet during water play despite wearing aprons! We send their PE bags home every half term so that uniform can be washed and you can make sure everything inside still fits and belongs to them!
EVERYTHING must be named! We do consistently teach the children how to get changed and where to put their clothes on the back of a chair, but their clothes can still get muddled up. You can really help your child by encouraging them to be as independent as possible with dressing and undressing every day. If your child really struggles with getting dressed in the mornings then try laying out their uniform in a line, in the order in which they need to put it on - it makes it into manageable steps for them.
We will also be developing their physical skills outside throughout the week and with a daily 5 minute "Funky Fingers" session once the children are settled into routine. This helps develop their core muscles, shoulders, arms, wrists and hands, as well as their fingers to help them with their writing. Watch this space to find out more...