Here is the list of spellings for this week.
Given out 14th April, to be tested 21st April.
The children all know that they have to write 10 spelling sentences.
3 simple, 3 compound, 3 complex and 1 other of their choice.
Some children write very interesting sentences and make an effort to spell their spelling words correctly in them - so a big thank you to those children; however, a number of children either do not complete their sentences at all or, if they do complete them, make no effort at all to spell any of the words correctly - even the ones they are meant to be learning that week - or punctuate the sentences accurately. Please encourage your child to put more effort into learning their spellings and writing sentences that meet year 5 expectations.
After marking the spelling sentences this week, it was clear that a lot of children did not really know what the words meant. I have asked them many times to ensure that they look up the meaning in a dictionary as it's no use knowing how to spell a word if you don't know how to use it in a sentence. If you could supervise this at home it would be much appreciated.
Thank you for your support.
Mrs McKnight