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St Jude's School and Pre-School

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Children must complete all homework sent home and return it on the day that it is due.  If your child has completed it and wants to hand it in before the due date that is fine to do so.  There are trays in the classroom for your child to put their homework in when it is complete.  Please note it is your child's responsibility to ensure their homework is complete and handed in.  If they do not understand the task they must speak to me about it and I am able to explain it to them if there is anything they are struggling with. 


If topic homework is unable to be completed at home children can complete it during lunchtimes, where they have access to the computers and the library.



It is vital for your child to read daily for 20 minutes. Your child will either have a school reading book or a library book. Please ensure log books are signed at least 3 times a week . These will be checked daily.



Maths challenge homework will be sent home on a Thursday and is to be returned the following Wednesday.  The homework each week will focus on one of the key maths facts for that term.  Your child must complete the activity provided for them and each day practise that maths fact, whether this be verbally or doing some work in their book.  Please download the maths challenge powerpoint below to read more information about the maths challenge.  As well as the maths challenge, it is extremely important that your child is fluent in their times tables (up to 12) by the end of Year 4, as they are vital for quick mental maths calculations and problem solving.  Children are tested regularly on their timestables knowledge and will move up the leaderboard when secure.  



Spellings will be sent home on a Thursday and these will be tested the following Wednesday. Your child will be expected to construct a mixture of simple, compound and complex sentences using the spellings given. Please help to expand your child's vocabulary, by ensuring they understand the definition of words. Spelling expectations and useful strategies can be found in the front of your child's spelling book.



Each term there will be a homework map, which will be linked to our topic. This is an ongoing project and will be presented at the end of each half term.

Maths Challenge Home Learning
