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St Jude's School and Pre-School

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Building Fund


 St. Jude’s Catholic Primary School

Headteacher: Sarah Wall  B. Ed. (Hons)

Chairman of Governors: Brett Gaskin

Vice Chair: Michael Dreelan

Clerk to Governors: Mary Defty

School Business Manager: Kerry Fry

Building Fund email address

Autumn Term 2018


Dear Parents


I need to introduce you to the School Building Fund.  St Jude’s School is a Voluntary Aided School which means that when major building work or refurbishment needs to take place, the Local Authority only provide funding for 90% of the cost of that work.  The school governors are responsible for finding the remaining 10%.  St Jude's meets this responsibility by contributing to the Diocesan Schools Building Fund.  All the Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Portsmouth contribute to this fund, based on the number of children in their school.  All the parishes in the Diocese then match-fund the schools’ contribution which means that whenever we need work done, we have access to funds to do it.

Over the 18 years that the Fund has been in existence, St Jude’s has benefitted from being able to provide :

the building of a new classroom

the new ICT Suite

new fencing

a new boiler

playground resurfacing and an all weather play areas

interior decoration

the outdoor classroom

tarmac, entrances and canopies

the new school entrance and reception area

KS1 toilets

The amount we have spent over the 18 years is in the region of £1,000,000 and after the 90% contribution by the LA, St Jude’s had to find 10% (i.e. £100,000).  The school was able to make a request for this money from the Diocesan Fund after providing the usual competitive tenders.  All were successful and enabled the projects to take place.  The parents’ contribution during those 18 years has amounted to £50,000, so without the benefit of investment into the Building Fund St Jude’s School would not have been able to complete as many projects as it has which of course, directly affects the quality of your child’s education.

Building and maintenance is an ongoing factor in the life of a School and to meet our obligations we ask all parents to contribute to the School Building Fund.  

If you are a UK taxpayer and your contribution is “Gift Aided” the School will receive additional money from the government each year.

We would be grateful if you are able to contribute to the School Building Fund.  If you have access to internet banking you may make a direct payment into the Building Fund.


The bank details are :

Lloyds Bank

Sort code 30-96-26

Account Number 4185666


If you are using this method please will you confirm the payment details to so that we can account correctly for your payment.


If you wish to “Gift Aid” your donation please complete the form from the list below.

With all good wishes.

It is also possible to contribute to the school building fund by setting up a standing order payment, writing a cheque or paying cash.  The School Business Manager will provide you with all the necessary details and paperwork. 


Brett Gaskin

Foundation Governor


Michael Dreelan

Foundation Governor
