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St Jude's School and Pre-School

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School Council Archive: 2017 - 2018

School Council 2017/18

McMillan Coffee Afternoon

The newly elected School Council hit the ground running in September by organising our annual McMillan coffee afternoon. They designed posters to advertise the event around school and helped to serve the visitors on the day. They are very proud of the £347.28 they were able to donate to this charity. Thank you to all of those people that were able to attend and support this event.


New Play Area

We have been lucky enough to secure funding to have a new play area on the field. It will provide different levels of challenge for all the children. The School Council have looked at the different proposed plans and decided which pieces of equipment they think the children would enjoy playing on the most. This is very exciting!

Suggestion Boxes

The School Council recently got creative and designed suggestion boxes that they would keep in their classrooms. As the 'pupil' voice we thought these were a way that we could collect ideas from everyone in the class. It was great to see the older children helping the younger members with their boxes.

Boxes a hit!

The suggestion boxes are proving to be a great success. At the meeting, each year group representatives read out the ideas from each class and these were recorded. Some of the ideas were great and very achievable. This list was presented to Mrs Wall and in discussion with Mrs Callaghan some of the ideas were actioned. The hall now has a clock, and there will soon be mirrors in the upper Key Stage 2 toilets. The children have also suggested a 'Fun Friday'. This will mean they have a variety of play equipment out during lunchtime every Friday.We are currently thinking of fundraising activities to help raise money to buy the equipment.

Bring and Buy Sale

The School Council will be hosting a Bring and Buy sale on the afternoon of Friday 20th April to raise money to purchase new playtime equipment. This will be used on 'Fun Fridays' to benefit all of the children. Please send any toys that are in a good clean condition into school  as soon as possible to help support this event.  

The School Council would like to thank you all for the generous donations of books that they received for the recent book sale. The event was a great success and raised in excess of £147. The next major fund raising event for school will be the Summer Fayre in June. The School Council be will be sharing the responsibility of running their own stall, which we hope will be the Teddy Tombola. They would like to take this opportunity to ask you to send into school any unwanted cuddly toys that are in good, clean condition at your earliest convenience. Your support is always very much appreciated and it enables the children to experience a real sense of achievement and ownership by having the opportunity to organise these events.

Sarah Callaghan


This years school council has now been elected.  All the children that took the time to complete application forms should be commended on the fantastic ideas they came up with.  These ideas will be considered by the elected pupils as they endeavour to raise a record amount of money to enhance the resources available throughout school.


The representatives from this year group are:


Year 1 - Yasmin Cake and Joshua Fairman

Year 2 - Amy Gower and Jacob White

Year 3 - Faith Fairman and Matthew Deacon

Year 4 - Holly Gower and Joseph Trott

Year 5 - Frances martin and Liam Holton

Year 6 - Jasmine Stagg and Daisy Combes


There is a school council board neinar the hall so please come and have a look.  The board will also display our financial target for the year and record how close we are getting after each event.


Some of the school council will be representing St. Jude's at the summer fayre by running a stall.


The school council also helped to organise a MacMillan coffee morning. This was a huge success and the sum of £306 was raised.


We will keep you updated with dates and future events.
