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St Jude's School and Pre-School

Achieving together in God's love.



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Please could you hear your child read daily for 10-15 minutes and sign their reading log which will be checked weekly.


If your child is reading a reading scheme book, this will be changed twice a week: on Monday's and Thursdays.  While decoding is an important skill, so to is comprehension.  Ask your child questions to explore the text.

Weekly Homework 


Spellings / Grammar / Phonics Homework


Your child will  have weekly spellings to practise for 10 minutes daily. It is also expected that they write sentences to support each spelling.  Please encourage your child to write exciting sentences using powerful verbs and adjectives. Can they use an interesting starter? 



Maths Skills


Your child will receive maths skills to practise.  This will focus on number facts and fluency skills including the learning of tables.


All children have a homework book where weekly homework will be completed and returned for marking.


Homework will be given out on a Monday and be returned on the Friday of the same week. 

Topic Homework


This half term please select at least one piece of homework from the Topic Homework sheet.  There are a range of activities which cover most of the subject areas.  It is expected that your child give a short presentation using their homework in the week beginning Monday 23rd May.
