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New Maths Home Learning

Please follow the link below for the information given at the Maths Home Learning Workshop on Tuesday 7th November. This contains important information.



Spellings will be given in accordance with the National Curriculum. Some weeks will be spelling patterns from the Year 5 syllabus, some weeks will be revision of patterns taught in previous year groups and some weeks will be words that your child is consistently spelling incorrectly in their writing. As Year 4, children will be required to write their spelling into a meaningful sentence (mixture of simple, compound and complex sentences) as well as practise them daily. Where possible spellings will be given on Thursdays and tested on Thursdays.


In KS2, it is expected that children fill out the reading log themselves and ask a parent or carer to sign it when they have read to them (minimum three times a week). Without exception, children who read regularly make most progress in all areas of curriculum. Where possible, reading logs will be checked daily. School policy states that children should read a minimum of three times a week.


In UKS2 (Years 5 and 6) a longer piece of English and maths homework is set weekly- no child should spend more than 30 minutes on this task.

One piece will be set on Monday and due in Wednesday. The second will be set on Wednesday and due in Friday. Children who do not complete these tasks will be given the opportunity to attend a work club during lunchtime in order to complete it.

Multiplication tables

A large barrier to accessing the maths curriculum in Years 5 and 6 is children not knowing their times tables. Any child that requires further practise to secure these facts may have additional tasks to complete.


Please find below a copy of the half-termly homework for the first theme 'Crime and Punishment'.