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St Jude's School and Pre-School

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Art Week

We kicked off Art Week by piecing together jigsaw puzzle pieces to re-create a picture of a famous painting, which we later learnt was ‘The Umbrellas’ by Renoir.  We had a discussion around the painting and considered who the people in the painting were, where the painting was set and what event may have drawn in such a large crowd. 


During our history session we explored the treasure trove of Victorian artefacts and had the opportunity to dress up in some Victorian clothing.  We considered what type of people the clothing belonged to and posed for a photograph.  This became the basis of our self-portrait study.  We then placed a sheet of acetate film over the photograph, and created an outline using a permanent pen.  We added detail and drew some simplified facial expressions.  Using the acetates, we then sketched our simplified self-portrait onto paper and Victorian colour palette to shade the tones.
